Monday, December 1, 2008

It's finally Decemeber

and what the heck was I thinking when I decided to plan a wedding right after finals? Oh I know... I wasn't. Ok. Yes I was. I thought, "the church will be decorated for Christmas, so I won't have to worry about that."


I never thought about what would go on in my classes between when we decided on December 19th and December 19th. Not to mention that Christmas is thisclose to our celebration. *sigh* Oh well, things are all falling into place and moving quite smoothly, surprisingly! My checklist is getting smaller and I don't feel like I'm drowning... yet! Thank goodness classes end soon so I don't have to divide my limited time between wedding planning, school work, mommy-ness, and everything else. Nonetheless, life is good :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The First Post

Well. Here it is. I've finally signed up for a blog. I've gone through the MySpace craze, even tried my hand at Facebook, but never gotten into it. There's just not enough room to put all my thoughts or narrate my favorite pictures. Well that, and I was required to sign up for one for a class I'm taking! :) Nonetheless, this will be a great way for the to-be-wed's to fill everyone in on what's going on in our new lives together.